Our worship draws on the riches of the catholic tradition of the Church of England. 

Our main act of worship on a Sunday is the Parish Mass or Eucharist. In the Mass we gather together as a church community to listen to God's word in the scriptures and to share in the gift of Christ himself through Holy Communion. 

Sunday Services

Mass at 8:30am (This Mass is temporarily suspended during the current interregnum)
Parish Mass at 10am 

Midweek Service

A quiet midweek Mass is celebrated every Wednesday at 10am. Masses are also offered on Feast Days. Visit ‘What's On’ to see our forthcoming services.

Saturday Service 

Our shorter Saturday evening service (6pm) is temporarily suspended during the current interregnum.

Evening Services 

Once a month we have an evening service. This takes a variety of forms including Evensong and Benediction, healing services, Songs of Praise, as well as seasonal services at Christmas. Visit What's On to see our forthcoming services.